Floor Patching Systems for Warehouses

Floor Patching Systems for Warehouses

Floor Patching Compounds are essential floor repair solutions for high traffic, heavy duty areas like warehouses and industrial floors.

Floor repairs continue to be a major maintenance problem for almost every warehouse. The repairing required needs to be durable and cost effective. Potholes are mainly caused by the delayed response to timely fixing common pavement distresses in the initial phase of their development. The most common distress related to pothole forming is cracking. One cracks form, and are not repaired, water infiltrates into the pavement surface layer and accelerates the damage process into whole area.

Case: Grofers Warehouse Floor Patching. Grofers is not the owner of the warehouse, rather they've rented the warehouse to run their operations. Although the owner of the warehouse is our customer, the need for floor repair was generated by Grofers. As their operations involve the use of forklifts and transportation pulleys, potholes not only cause delay in their order fulfilment but also damage purchased goods at times. Cement based mortars fail to address the issue here due to multiple reasons: These do not adhere to old/previously laid concrete floor, Down time of 48 hours is not available from customers end, and these mortars take long to develop the required compressive strength.

Solution: Duromax team after discussion with the owner and Grofers representative, went on to do a sample at site. 

  • Priming: Floor surface was cleaned and prepared with a wirebrush. Low viscosity primer was applied that can withstand the dust of loose concrete floors.
  • Filling: Duromax FloorPatch compound was used to fill the deep patch.
  • Finish: Final smooth, self levelled coat applied to level the patch with rest of the floor. (In sample, contrast colour was used for the ease of monitoring.)

Results: Duromax received the job order based on the sample done. And from then on, every other month we receive the order to repair the fresh patches formed in the warehouse.

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