Taking the case of one of our esteemed customers: Yash Pakka Ltd., Faizabad, Lucknow.
Case: Pulp Mill section of the paper plant was under severe corrosion attack. The section is at a height equivalent to the 6th floor of a conventional concrete building. Not only the MS structure, but also the concrete walls of the building were under attack. The concrete was visibly losing its binding strength. Authorities feared, a chunk of concrete wall may fall off the 6th floor.
Solution: We, the Duromax team were asked to inspect the site for possible solutions. In the report, we concluded that the corrosion was mainly due to the presence of chlorine gas in the atmosphere. Chlorine gas along with moisture in the air forms hydrochloric acid in highly concentrated form. Preventing corrosion was not the only challenge at hand, but also to restrengthen the corroded concrete.
Result: Given the intricacies of the job work and material consumed, it was a high value job and customer was skeptical about its success (seeing the severity of the corrosion on site). Years of trust, belief and delivering capability associated with Duromax got us the job. Today, marks the completion of 3 years of successful site delivered by Duromax. Customer is planning to extend this work to other parts of the area. Authorities have willingly shared the appreciation letter and video for the above stated case.
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